We decided to post about different IP leaks. So, why don’t we have that post anymore? A few VPNs contacted us and told us the research we presented isn’t fair to them. While we expected such reaction, we listened to what they had to say. Since we could not include all 290 VPNs in the research, it made some VPN companies question what criteria we used to decide whom to test (or whom not to test). We understand why showing the results of less than 10 VPNs, despite most of them being popular, is not giving our users the full story. There were also some technical comments about the default settings vs manual settings of a VPN, specifically in how they can prevent a leak. This is a factor we did not take into full account. As the co-founder of vpnMentor, I prefer to be careful and give accurate information. We value telling our readers the truth, backed by solid research. So, despite the value I see in the tests we have done, I  believe we need to take another set of tests and double check out work before we draw conclusions and share them with you. We are now back in our computer lab working on developing the tools and conducting the research that we feel you can trust. Best, Ariel